Today I was forwarded an e-mail from a
colleague concerning yet another development being planned in Penzance &
Gulval, as you can read below officers at Cornwall Council already think that
enough consultation has taken place and that their plans are already in the
public domain.
Not that public I fancy as no one I have
spoken to has even heard of them.
So what are we talking about?
The land at Ponsandane is being seriously
considered as being suitable for a housing estate and that Cornwall Planners
have already conducted talks with developers to deliver a first phase of 100+
houses over the next few years. With further phases, to be developed at a later
This plot of land was protected in the original local plan as being the
important green wedge of a high landscape value and preventing the coalescence
of the village of Gulval into Penzance. At the consultation stage Penzance town
council opposed development on this land, and a
few years ago the planning inspectorate refused an appeal for just six houses
on the land at Ponsandane because of the adverse visual impact and the fact
that the B3312 formed a natural village boundary.
So why the Council planners should now think
it is appropriate to build on this site is beyond me, whilst I can appreciate
that planning policy can become out of date, there is no way that a policy
protecting an area for its important visual importance and role in separating
the two communities of Gulval and Penzance can become irrelevant (Policy TV-2
of the local plan).
Certainly this is not something they should
decide for themselves; this is something the community should decide.
The planning officer at Cornwall Council
leading this plan has been approached regarding this development, Dave Slatter
(Planning Officer, Cornwall Council, Camborne – whom I have been told has been going
about the council offices rubbing his hands in glee at a development that as
far as he is concerned is ‘in the bag’). Dave Slatter’s reply is as
You are correct we have been in contact with
the **********’ as landowners as we have been with other landowners whose sites
have been identified as potential housing opportunities within the draft town
The town frame is one of a number of
frameworks that are being developed and used to ultimately inform an
Allocations Plan for the emerging new Local Plan.
The potential for the site’s allocation has
been in the public domain for some time now when it was identified within the
Penzance options paper was published for public consultation in January 2012 as
part of the West Penwith Community Network Area Discussion Paper.
The sites that were included in the plan were
arrived at by using a robust Urban Assessment Methodology that examined the
land around the existing urban area in order to discount the least sustainable
land from further consideration. This approach was used consistently across all
the towns considered and because of the sustainable development approach taken
often resulted in challenging existing policies or even past decisions.
Since the publication of the Community Network
Area paper the target housing numbers within the Local plan have changed and
are likely to change again. We have been examining the original options in more
detail, including speaking to landowners (some did not want their land
considered further), in order ascertain which options are not only the most
sustainable but also viable and capable of delivery, this work is ongoing.
We are hoping to consult on the Allocations
document next year however that does not stop developers from pursuing their
own initiative including submitting planning applications if they chose to do
so. In these circumstances we make them aware they are progressing at risk from
a local policy perspective and strongly recommend they engage with the local
I have huge reservations about the methodology
used to undertake the sustainability appraisal anyway, which I wont go into
now, and I do not believe the SA done for the Penzance sites could be
considered to be sound as it is subjective, inconsistent and not backed up by a
strong evidence base (particularly in regards to environment and landscape
Regardless of this I believe it is extremely
arrogant of the planners to think they can get housing development in this site
through the backdoor so to speak without fully consulting the community on
whether or not this land is still considered to be the important green wedge
which deserves special protection.
I think it is vitally important for the local
community in Gulval (and also the wider
neighbourhood) to be made aware of these plans, and also the plans for all development in and around
the Gulval area,
I have been told that the old pig fields by
the School have already been cleared for development, and I would like to know
how many houses are planned for that site and also what percentage are
It surely is for the people in Gulval to
decide what is important to them, not the planners.
Below is a map showing the planned development area.
From this you can see that the darker green areas are the
phases in which the planners are expecting to develop, this site i.e. the whole
of the site facing the approach to Penzance will be covered with housing except
for the two fields which surround the telecom mast.
It is highly important that local people are involved in any
decision making at the earliest stages, whilst the land at Ponsandane can
at this moment still only be considered as an exception site, planning policy
at the national scale still means that development in such types of sites
should only be taken forward if they are deemed acceptable by the local
community (and the only way for that to be known and understood is if the
general public are made aware and consulted on, and that the Town & Parish
Councils agree it will be needed).